The Declaration of Self

A lifelong writer of the fantastic and the vital, I delight in opportunities to expand my horizons and engage in learning and appreciating the needs and concerns of a variety of groups.  In particular, issues relating to women and their portrayal in media, as well as the sociological implications of such, are often explored in my writing.  I am also making efforts to encourage discussion and sympathy for those suffering from mood and somatoform disorders utilizing developing art mediums in hopes of better engaging and educating the audience.

Life is a journey of self-betterment, which I practice in educating myself in a variety of tools.  My mornings are spent reading writing and style guides to hone my capabilities as a writer and editor, while I use the afternoons to train myself in a variety of programs, including Adobe Photoshop Elements 11, KompoZer, Twine, and Stencyl.  We are blessed to live in a world where we have many vehicles in which to communicate with others, to weave storytelling with direct engagement with those who use the product.

I am eager for the opportunity to assist the causes that resonate with my principles as a creator and citizen of this vast, interconnected world.

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